During the Month of February, National Dental Health Month, we spoke to over 1,000 area students about the importance of Oral Hygiene. We asked each classroom to decorate a toothbrush depicting Oral Health and our Patients voted on their favorite. We received many, many wonderful and creative entries.
Congratulations to Mrs. Christopher's Fourth grade class at Crane Elementary. This is a picture of Captain Toothbrush - the front side of his cape tells a wonderful story of Captain Toothbrush and his fight against tooth decay. Great Job !
Captain Toothbrush
There he was, leaning up against the side of the cup relaxing. It was a quiet time of day. Time for Bradley Toothbrush to dry out and relax. All of a sudden, his bristles began to twitch! Someone was drinking a soda and had ingested way too much sugar! He could sense the problem was coming from the living room. He pushed the tile behind him and the door to his secret room opened. He pulled out his secret cape from his trunk and put it on. Suddenly he is Captain toothbrush! He quickly pulls on his belt with his tooth saving supplies. He checks to make sure it has his floss, mouthwash toothpaste, toothbrush, mirror, scaler, and a tongue cleaner. He stepped out of his room and dove into the drain. After a fast wild ride he came out into the sink in the kitchen! Captain Toothbrush then flew through the air and found a girl on the couch. She was sound asleep with an empty bottle of soda beside her. Captain Toothbrush turned on his bright, gleaming smile (so he could see) and flew into her mouth. There on her tooth were several plaque germs. The germs were sticking to the tooth and getting ready for a tasty meal. He pulled out his toothbrush, toothpaste and trusty scaler and knocked those vicious monsters off the tooth. He lassoed the escaping plaque bugs withy his handy dental floss. The tooth was saved! Before he left, a scrub of the tongue and swish of mouthwash killed the girl’s bad breath. This mission is complete, another tooth saved. Captain Toothbrush flew off to get ready for his next fight against tooth decay!