October is National Orthodontic Health Month, a time when members of the American Association of Orthodontists provide the public with information about orthodontics.
Something parents should be aware is that all children should get a check-up with an orthodontist no later than age 7. An orthodontist can spot subtle problems with emerging teeth and jaw growths, even while some baby teeth are still present. A check-up can reveal any current needs for treatments, inform parents that treatmeat should be considered when the child is older, or provide the good news that treatment may not be needed.
As we approach the Halloween season, it is also important to remind people to use moderation in consuming sweets and snacks, and to be sure to brush and floss as recommended by their dentist or orthodontist. People who wear braces should avoid sticky or chewy treats. Braces friendly recipes are available on the American Association of Orthodontists Website, www.braces.org. With a little planning and good judgment, everyone can have a happy and safe Halloween!